Let’s Talk Money

Most people don’t want or need a degree in finance to move toward their financial goals. In fact, most people are turned off by financial industry jargon and the reams of financial data that their financial advisers often expect them to process. Continued

Wagebank Is Now OnDemand Pay

FlexWage Rebrands Patented Product to Better Align Product Name with Value Proposition SCOTTSDALE, Arizona, September 11, 2018 –- WageBank, the patented product from FlexWage Solutions that provides employees greater control and flexibility ove… Continued

Employers: The Other Payday Lender

Originally published at pymnts. com July 8, 2016 The payday lending market is at a bit of a crossroads as regulators flex their regulatory muscles and look to establish new rules for the payday lending industry. Continued

New Payday Options for Making Ends Meet

Originally published at nytimes. com by STACY COWLEY JULY 4, 2016 For decades, most American companies have paid their workers once every week or two, minimizing the administrative costs of frequent paydays and maximizing the interest the companies … Continued